Installing Lino Prima

  • Install Lino (the framework) as documented in Install your Lino developer environment

  • Go to your repositories directory and download also a copy of the Lino Prima repository:

    cd ~/repositories
    git clone
  • Use pip to install this as editable package:

    pip install -e prima
  • Create a local Lino project as explained in Create your first Lino site.

  • Change your project’s file so that it looks as follows:

    from lino_prima.lib.prima.settings import *
    class Site(Site):
        title = "Our Lino Prima site"
    SITE = Site(globals())
    DEBUG = True

    The first line is Python way to specify encoding (PEP 263). That’s needed because of the non-ascii ì of “Lino Noi” in line 3.